Rescue Journal

ok...i don't want to complain here,

Alison  ·  Nov. 6, 2006

and i certainly don't want to seem ungrateful BUT...the pond is full and so is the well and i really wish it would stop raining quite so hard. there is no way i can put the barn animals out in this monsoon, and i don't think i can leave them all in the barn all day either (it is comfy but slightly cramped right now.) the dogs walk to the open doors. have a look at the down pour and go back inside to find somewhere else a little drier to piddle. and i cannot find my rubber boots, which i really happen to need today so i guess i better go and buy another pair too. does anyone know if it is supposed to slow down a bit anytime soon? i wish we had a covered riding ring, then i could toss those barn guys out no matter what the weather!



hey chris and deb...damn good thing you got a newfie...he can save you should you float away in a raging torrent...and welcome to rainy haney btw!!!


No, Maureen, Jean has not learned how to post pictures. Carol is overly optimistic.
Well, actually I suppose I do know how to post pictures: take picture, download onto computer, send to Nicole in an email, and - voila - Nicole puts it on the blog. Simple!
I took pictures, but now my camera battery is dead so I have to recharge it before I can download them to to computer. It wasn't monsooning quite as hard when I took the pics, so the water had actually receded a little from when Carol and I first saw it.
Stand will be up later.


Jean has learned how to post picture... Oh no i guess I have to figure it out now as well. Yvette has it right.. we must be careful what we wish for... NO we don't want snow... maybe late Christmas eve.. and just a few inches... 3 feet of snow & no power...Yikes ! We'd best be counting our blessing down here as we wade our way through puddles, rivers & lakes forming all over the place. How's swinger doing ?


Be careful what you wish for! I wished for no more mud and got 3 feet of snow and no power for 5 days! Yvette


wait a minute! I've been putting up with these monsoons without complaining as you need your well filled...did you say you have enough now?? Can we turn off the taps in the sky ??

Even my babies didn't want to venture out this morning, I could KISS them!!!

Chris Thomas

I just tried to venture out and there is a lake at the end of 136th and 224th is a river. Not good.


ok...remember our little pathetic mud puddle? we now have a full lake and a twenty foot wide river, complete with a family of four ducks paddling upstream and a boat, once again teetering on the shore.

when i looked down into what used to be our bottom pasture...two things came to mind..."a river runs through it" and thank gawd this noah's ark is built up the hill.

jean will post some will blow your mind.

Chris Thomas

There is still a rainfall warning for the rest of the day. We have a few new minor ponds developing on our property too (wow, it is nice to say 'our property). Now if I could just convince the pug to pee quickly before I had a second shower this am that would have been good. I am digging out the Tilley hat for our next foray out.


Heheheh - I can identify with that!! Flooded crawl space, one dog that won't go out in the rain, another than won't come in out of the rain (so I have to go outside with him at 4 AM when he needs to pee), water pouring down the sloped drive towards the house so soon I may also have a pond on my property, a barn that is now more wet than dry, an alapca without the sense to come in out of the rain (his stall is the only part of the barn other than the garage that is relatively dry).
But Carol, we have WATER!!!! We can shower, bath, do laundry, wash floors.........and apparently we need 2 - 3 weeks of this for our wells to be truly self-sufficient again. So enjoy it! (But I sure wish I hadn't forgotten my really, really waterproof poncho and rubber boots at my old place).