Rescue Journal

it sucks to be them.

Carol  ·  Jun. 26, 2007

nudge goes to the vet today. she is still pooping everyday, but i don't think enough. she has been here for about a month and her history shows that she gets fully impacted every 3 months or so and needs multiple enema's to clear her my plan is a check at the end of month one and see how full is her colon. enquiring minds want to know. (altho i bet nudge doesn't!)

boo is going in on friday for a shave. she actually managed pretty good since the last one since her mouth as been relatively fine. but...she is starting to matt up and she is in a crankly "i am going to bite you hard" kinda mood whenever i try to run a brush thru her so i will keep my fingers and she can sleep while she loses her hair. sounds fair to me (altho i bet boo thinks it sucks!)

tom and sweetpea are about to be rudely awakened, ok not that rudely. i gently peel the quilt off of them and kiss their little heads and tell them to wake up sleepy heads, time to rise and shine. (they think rising and shining is over rated!)

greg was looking at my washer again this morning and the awake crew thought we had slipped out so all of a sudden there began the protesting chorus led by maude and wilbur (who may be one of the smallest but is definately one of the loudest) i said HEY! shut up and stop that! and they did. (but they didn't want to stop, they were just hitting their full voice)

ahhh well...better go feed the barn, run the dogs, and sigh, i guess i better get dressed...i wish i could wear PJ's all day long. they are comfortable, they actually match and they wash and dry really quick too without a wrinkle in sight.



I like Nudge, she's beautiful.
cats wear thier pajamas all day, don't see why you can't!