Rescue Journal

i got so little sleep last night

Carol  ·  Aug. 8, 2009

not for much of any reason except the dogs were cold. sigh...i am the provider of everything...this includes comfort and warmth.

i got home late and hopped to do the diabetics and then grabbed the mop for the welcome home clean up. doris was asleep and shivering by the dog room doors. this was the draftiest place she could have picked...right next to the fan too. she is not used to being naked with all of her fur shaved off.

i scooped her up and wrapped her up in a fleece and carried her to the bed. i laid her down and wrapped myself around her and quickly fell asleep. i was not under any covers...didn't need them cuz the dogs surrounded and suctioned cupped onto me.

daphne 2 apparently could not find her usual,suitable, or warm enough place to suction to, i woke up a couple of hours later with a very warm and totally relaxed daxi fully inside my large t-shirt with her nose sticking out of my sleeve. she accidently found little shorthaired daxi heaven and she was not going to willingly leave.

i pulled her out anyway, covered her up with a fleece and went back to sleep. sometime later i woke up again to her uninvited body back inside my you want to know how many times that bloody burrower burrowed back into me?

enough that 5 pounds of nothing won the inside my shirt sleeping spot...sigh..once a stubborn little daxi discovers something great, they go to even greater lengths to get it or keep it...they never give it up.

remember totally determined tom, the 18 year old flying daxi, who needed a red super-dog cape?

now there is daphne the burrowing personal space invader....she doesn't need a shovel she just uses her nose and her long and pliable body....and a cape might get in her way.



Just so you know it looks like Border Collie rescue is going to be able to take the BCs at CAC including the youngster. All is well in that less thing for you to worry about.


Maybe you could get Daphne 2 a fleece cape with a hood to curl up in at night. I will always remember Tom and him leaping from the couch to the table to the floor in 3 seconds when you came in with a can of cat food!