Animal Updates

Jenny's Saturday @ SAINTS Photos & Shelter Fan Photo Contest

Jenn  ·  Oct. 3, 2010

So you know the Shelter Challenge that you have been voting for SAINTS everyday in ... yeah well they are also doing a Shelter Fan Photo Contest too. All you need to do is send a photo of your rescued pet and choose SAINTS as your rescue of choice. You only have until tomorrow night to do though--so don't procrastinate. Then the photos are judged and the finalists are picked for the public to vote on. There will be a photo contest next month too so if you can't decide on which photo send in, send the alternate one next month. The winner wins a $2,000 grant for their shelter of choice!

This is the picture I send in of my Smarty Pants. I entitled it "Cat Throne."


So please enter your pet photo and let us know if you are chosen as a finalist and we will vote for you.

So on with my Saturday pics ...

I arrived just as everyone was finishing up and Mo was taking the dogs into the Memorial garden for their usual special time and treats.


These are Mo's three dogs which she brings out with her to SAINTS ... her little helpers.

Levi, Gwen, and Roxi

There is one thing the bed buddies like even more than cookies and even more than bed time, and that is BED CHANGING (yeah they're weird).

Here is how it goes. carol changes the sheets and they roll and pounce making the task very difficult. But entertaining to watch.


Lil' Big Bud was very happy when I lifted him up onto the bed ... his fat body and short legs prevent him from being able to get himself onto the bed.

Pixie and Little Mister seemed much happier in their new accommodations.


Pheobe was thrilled to be loose in the house and she bounded and bounced and barked pretty much the whole time. The only way to get this red whirling wonder to stop is to scratch her butt.

You know what to do

Speaking of itchy ...

I got a picture of Annie AND jesse itching their leg

I like weird photos. I also like Edith who is the weirdest of the weird.


Edith likes to fight and size means nothing to her ...

This is Edith verus 10 lb blind little min pin Griffin at the fence.

He is freaking out and she is butting the fence trying to shut him up


This is Edith versus 1 ton Percy.

Edith does not want to give up the bowl of grain to Mr. Glutton and so she fights back

I was there for barn bed time too.

I watched, as did Frodo. Perched like the King he is ..

Oh my what a fluffy king like tail you have ...

The better to rule with ...


The Sheep were the first to want to go to bed and they waiting patiently at the gate to be let into the barn

Gideon, Lehanie, and Czar were very impatient for bedtime too

and the cutie award goes to ...


oh Sulk


Jenn Hine

well I can definately email you these three pics I think they could make a smashing painting of the trio ... I will email the pics tonight.


AGHHHH I can't see photos when I am at work & I was late getting going this morning so did not check the blog... we all know I LOVE the pics of SAINTS.. however the idea of a picture of my 3 gives me even more reason to rush home . I am hoping to get a artist do a painting/drawing of my 3 together... but I need a good photo