Animal Updates update from chicklet who was born at my house 10 years ago...she went on to find a GREAT home despite losing her vision before she was even a year old and then eventually losing both of her eyes as well. her mom has a warped sense of

Carol  ·  Jan. 2, 2011


Dear Auntie Carol,

-- I am sending you this little note in celebration of my 10th Birthday ! I have attached a photo of myself, my mother insisted I put on my Halloween costume to show you( I don't know why I put up with her !) For God sake button eyes... give me a break ! Any way I am doing well, some arthritis has set in but my dad gives me a glucosamine pill daily when he takes his so it seems to be working. As you can see I am in pretty good shape ! My parents have been supporting the Pepsi Challenge and follow the goings on at Saints. I will have to stop in for a visit soon....
Better go, its walk time!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!





Haha happy birthday Mitzi! I remember when you were a puppy at our house and it was good to see you at the Open house a few years ago! Hugs and kisses to you.


such a great photo! that's how buttons got his name. we had to remove his eyes because of glaucoma and lens luxation and the vet joked we'll sew buttons on for his eyes. and it stuck.