Rescue Journal

oh man, the day just got shittier...

Carol  ·  Mar. 15, 2012

daphne is in real trouble.

dave just called and while he was able to clear the bladder and urethra of the stones...her entire badder is badly damaged. apparently there were so many stones packed so tightly in there..the pressure has basically killed off the interior tissue of her bladder..she has no viable tissue left to heal the incision.

and how did this all happen without me having a clue? is because of her spinal nerve damage that she never felt what was happening inside of her...her bladder is numb..that is why she leaks constantly. she was bombing around here eating up a storm and bossing everyone around as usual right up until wednsday evening when i noticed she just wasn't feeling well. i thought she had a simple bladder infection..not that there was a time bomb ticking away in her.

the next 72 hours are critical, if her incision comes apart, and doesn't heal, we will lose her. i am so sick inside..i should have gotten her bladder periodically checked, not just accepted that as a spinal damaged dog, urinary and bowel incontinence was totally expected and normal.
i have fucked up so badly on her.

please god don't let her die..i love her.

Video of Daphne's playdate with her sister, Jenn

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Daphne is one loved girl, not only does she have her mom, Carol and her sister, Jenn and Phoebe but she is a favorite among the volunteers as well.

Family photo

Daphne and Carol

Daphne and Jenn

Daphne and Erin

Daphne and KO

Daphne and Kim

Daphne and Laura

Daphne and Christopher

Daphne and Ashley

We love you daphne!



Daphne....gain strength from all the positive energy flowing to you...we all love our tiny but tough girl


Lots of prayers for Daphne. This cannot be her time, she is strong & a fighter and although her Mom & sis are her immediate family..she has hundreds of extended family in volunteers & blog readers and collectively we are all praying & sending postive thoughts to her.

Come home daphy..please come home

Pam, Nashville, TN

Carol, even though I am so far away and hardly ever post, I have read your blog every day for about 4 years. I have come to know and love all the Saints and everyone who takes care of them. I must tell you though that Daphne is probably my favorite I guess because she is the twin to my little man Peanut. My heart is breaking and I'll be keeping you all in my heart and prayers waiting for an update.

Please get well Daphne...

Bunny Horne

Roff - that's so true, I had the same experience with a kitty. My vet said this is it, I begged to see my kitty. He perked up just hearing my voice. I had my body half buried into the medical cage JuneBug was in. We snuggled and I rubbed my head all over his. Slowly he mended and I got to take him home. He stayed with me 18 more months.
Carol, you did nothing wrong. WE ALL LOVE DAPHE. My thoughts are with the both of you. Please get better Daphne, WE WANT YOU TO COME HOME.


Carol.. You have 150 or so animals that have all kinds of medical conditions that you so carefully watch over and provide the best possible care for all of them. I can't fathom the multi-taking abilities it takes to keep everyone's shit straight! Given Daphne's particular issues you couldn't have known... please don't blame yourself! I felt so guilty when Sugar lost her eye cause I didn't see it right away and now that I caught this one right away and the drops worked, the 1st one was my fault.. and I only have 5 pets to look over!

Daphne is way too strong and loves her life with you at saints way too much to let anything stop her from continuing her reign as the queen of saints.

Keeping our fingers crossed tight for her


I hope you can visit her. One of my most impressive memories was when I went to visit my Rowan (at Canada West intensive) with his brother Markus. (Two more dachsies.) He was one VERY sick dog.

The lift the visit gave to Rowan was obvious and powerful; he couldn't quite believe seeing us in the midst of all that strange medical stuff. We went every day.

He recovered. The power of family is hard to describe.

Three of us send best wishes to Daphne and her family.


Give a call tomorrow and we can check with Dave, but I think that it would be fine if you wanted to visit. It may depend on how she is doing.


Caylee, is she allowed visitors? can I come an see you tomorrow or might that upset her?


I will spend the night thinking about her. I hope we have some good news for you over the next couple of days. When I left she was feeling comfortable and having a snooze.


That's one well-loved, happy little dog. I cried too. Get better, little one.


I love that little weiner so much I can't even imagine her not making ... I have posted her video from one of our play-dates and I cried just watching it.


I heartily second what Penny said. Its not your fault Carol. Keeping all fingers tightly crossed for Daphne


You mustn't blame yourself Carol, these things happen. You have so much to think about at any given time, and as you said, she wasn't showing any symptoms. If wishes and love can make her well again, we'll all pray that she makes it through. She's such a sweet thing.


oh come on little daphne she is such a sweet girl. my prayers are with you and her.