Rescue Journal

nicki is a therapy dog.

Carol  ·  May 3, 2013

I don't know if it was cuz I went to bed pissed or if I went to bed..old. but I woke up at 2 am with every single part of me in a tensed up, knot/cramp...that freaking hurt! I got up and ran a hot bath with some of those lavender salts KO gave me, downed a couple of muscle relaxants and I guess it worked. I slept thru til 7 am when phoebe started bitching cuz her blanket fell off and she was apparently cold.

I have a few errand type things to do before I head into work. at the top of the list is to hit London drugs and pick up more Viagra for hilda...still not quite used to that yet.

nicki was so cute yesterday...after I picked her up from the vets, I realized I had forgotten my work cell phone. so I took her back to the office with me to get it. she flew around the office like some kind of perky puppy greeting machine. she gave a much needed moment of cheerful happiness to all of the staff that were still working. so nice to see everyone smiling and sucked in by the light of that little dog. it is not just shut in's and hospital is also over worked nurses, PT's, OT's and clerical folks that benefit from therapy dogs!

thx KO for the bath salts!..and thank you lynne for coming and checking on the dogs last evening!!!!...(BTW...any idea where the bedroom channel changer is? I can't find it to turn off the TV.)



Carol just so you know I did not forget about locking the cats in. Bea, Gary and Bonnie were outside when I wanted to leave and I didn't have the heart to make them go inside. Hopefully Frankie doesn't meow all night outside.


Hey it better be 3:04.. cuz i am packing up my desk & gettin the H*ll outta this office.


In case volunteers don't access or read their E-mails ( who me.. no way :-) ) We are having a pot-luck picnic tomorrow to celebrate Jesse only being 16, so come one..come all.. bring a dish. I put 1 o'clock in the E-mail.. Carol can change the time if that doesn't work for her.

Whoo Hoo Nicki.. who wouldn't feel better having that cutie-patootie around

Janet Nicholson

That was my exact thought - Mystic has not done this to you for awhile - she was waiting!