Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  May 17, 2014

what the heck happened to the rain???? i totally wrecked my back last night after work spreading 200 pounds of fertilizer because it was SUPPOSED to start raining last night!!!!!! there i am tonight after work with a sore back draining the well, watering the water starved grass...with a few choice words for yesterdays not very accurate weatherman!0

lyle came and fixed up our wrecked barnyards, kevin came and started working on the chicken pen, erin came to keep an eye on tess until i got home, michelle came to help me do bedtime and all of the scheduled weekend warriors came to care for our guys sooo... (except for the sunny weather).... it was a pretty good day.

hoping there is enough water left in the well for a hot soak in the tub to loosen up my sorely abused poor back.



Nice website! Bright. Fresh. Airy. That's just its appearance.

The content, as always, is great too.

Leanna Hoskins

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I believe the commenting on the new blog is fixed - please left me know if it isn't working for you

Sometimes our browser caches (history) has to clear and be updated to see new content

We are on a brand new server as well

Also all the old blog posts are all here - you can find via search ( top magnifying glass next to menu) or through the archives on the sidebar

I will be reporting this same comment on other posts so everyone sees it so forgive the duplication
