Rescue Journal

shelby was euthanized.

Carol  ·  Jun. 15, 2016

shelby passed peacefully away. we were lucky our vet was able to come and help her pass from home. she died out on her porch on her very soft bed, it was a very quiet and gentle death.
rest in peace shelby, i think shawn will be waiting for you, you were his best friend and he truly loved you.



I didn't know her that well but, she always received attention from me on my way to visit the cats. Liked fussing her en route to the house ;=(


Yes, I knew Sion and he really loved his girl Shelby and I'm sure she really missed him when he passed. They will be together again. RIP


Heaven has welcomed three special angels from Saints in the last week or so. Run free, Shelby.

Lenore Henry

Rest in peace Shelby - your life meant something to all of us who got to know you this last little while at Saints - good bye sweet girl.

Carol A.

Rest softly, Shelby...... You best friend will meet you at the bridge...
Oh that we should all be so blessed. To leave this world, in our own comfy bed, cozy, warm, safe, loved. and at peace, in a time and place of our choosing.

Big hugs and deepest condolences to all who loved you, and will miss your gentle presence in their days.


Oh Shelby I am very grateful that I got to spend time with you yesterday sharing treats. You were a very sweet and gentle girl, I will miss you. Rest well little one 😢