Rescue Journal

when it rains, it pours

Carol  ·  Jul. 19, 2016

lots of medical stuff happening with our saints today...

new sweetie pie decca is still hooked up to IV's over at the emergency clinic. we haven't met her yet, but we hear that she is lovely. decca is a 12 yr old JRT, her family got her a few weeks ago not realizing she was sick. she deteriorated and hit a medical crises yesterday and the family unable to provide for her ongoing care, called us and surrendered her to saints.
thank you shelagh for picking her up right away and getting her to the emergency clinic for treatment!

new cats sailor bob and edith had their vet checks today. both have significant health issues but hopefully can be helped to feel better with a good ongoing medical plan in place. both were super sweet and cooperative cats at the vets. it was the first time i got a chance to get to know them..they are both truly lovely (but holy cow!!! SKINNY!!!) senior cats.
sailor bob

nicki and kobe had eye checks today..both are ok. nicki was a recheck post eye ulcer which has healed well. i thought kobe's eye looked glaucoma like bulging today but the vet said it is ok.

dee dee the llama had a fractured tooth removed.
zoey the sheep had a check up and started treatment for another uterine infection.
zsu zsu the sheep has started on an arthritis treatment plan.
rio (mouth)and ziggy (foot) each had an abscess drained and are on antibiotics.

it was a busy medical day. the vet bills are kind of killing us, darn wrecked old animals...and lately there have been a lot...OUCH!!



Feel bad for who ever treated DeeDee!!! I hope she didnt spit on them =P

Lynne arnason

These animals r so lucky to have landed at saints welcome and our vet bills hopefully will go down yikes