Rescue Journal

and a long night too

Carol  ·  Feb. 16, 2008

phoebe was a problem last night...she kept jumping the gate and showing up in my bed periodically...her snarling (and one ineffective bite on my leg) would awaken and alert me that the ghoul had once again returned. there were 3 poodles and a pug on my bed, plus various room for irritable ghouls. i think i will have to crate her for awhile til she stops trying to sneak in.

just waiting for the vets to open to give me some direction on how best to help sweet pea. she coped ok during the night and slept well so we are not in a panic this morning. i am probably somewhat selfishly dragging my feet here because sweet pea is very special to me. the one disadvantage to a good pharmacopia and knowledge base for symptom management...sometimes i can push the envelope just a little bit further, but then for what point? just for me.

albert has a bit of SA....he can throw a huge fuss if he is not right by your side. he slept velcro'd to my face.

we watched "amazing grace" late into the night while we surrounded albert and squirt and helped them to feel welcome...i had never heard of wilberforce...remember, i was educated in the states. now i have another past hero to add to my list.

raymond is meeting a potential new family today, they will be visiting several dogs around the lower mainland. we will see how it all goes..if it is meant to be, it will be.

oh...and i suspect our new little smokey is significantly older than 10. she is eating and drinking and is a very sweet cat. i do think that ultimately my plan to have her live in the cat/small dog room, will not suit her too well. sigh...i see another animal in my animal free den. (current count is three)


Eva Stock

Hi Carol;
Sorry to hear you had such a night. Too bad that Phoebe has gone into her prior behavior as it was nice for her and all the rest that she had calmed down and her possession of you was lessened. And I don't think things have changed much either to cause her behavior to change.

I hope Sweet pea is able to stay with you a little longer but she sure was tired last p.m. The lasix may only be a temporary fix.

Albert struck me last night as a very possessive dog. He is cute and very active but will be a handful I suspect.

Squirt seems quite quiet at this point but that could cahange too hey.

Hope you have a good day at work and come home to no surprises. Eva