Rescue Journal

totally different homecoming tonight...

Carol  ·  Sep. 9, 2012

not a disaster in sight anywhere, plus the laundry fairy swooped in and saved the day by taking the stinky laundry away AND brenda left lunch (aka supper) for me in the fridge!!!

barn, shop, mp building bedtime went quickly and smoothly cuz christine and michelle had it all under control.

and this is all so great because i only got a couple of hours sleep last night due to not feeling very well.

i know i get bitchy and cranky and moody somedays and feel like the whole world is such a terrible place.
but on days like today when saints was filled to the brim with the hard unselfish work, consistent and continual commitment and loving generous hearts of all of the people here...i know that the world really isn't so terrible. in fact within our gates, it is pretty damn wonderful.
thanks to you guys, saints is a-ok tonight and consequently so am i!



Now the list is showing SAINTS back in #1 spot on the Canadian list, the way it was before...maybe it was just a glitch..


Voting Link

another Doreen

I just voted and checked the list. SAINTS is top of the Canada list, but I don't see it in the top 10 of the Eligible for Grand Prize list.


i did resize it but it came out like this anyway...i will delete it.

maybe we have been eliminated because we won in the first round this was that shelters couldn't win challenge rounds back to back. maybe now it is shelters can only win once per year?
they keep changing the rules and it is hard to keep up.

Deb Lloyd

I've been voting faithfully everyday and SAINTS was way out front in the lead...I checked today and we're not even showing up on the list?!? WTH??


Better get another post up quick or resize your image. I can't vote this morning because the photo image is covering it up. :-O


It was SO nice to be back at SAINTS today, until the possessed washing machine decided to stop working right before the spin cycle with a full load of clothes - and then decided 2 hrs. later to start spinning, after I had hand-wrung out the clothes and put them in the dryer! Other than that, it was great meeting the new dogs, and Squirt came running out for a hug immediately.(I was afraid he would forget me after 5 weeks.) By the way, Max is an absolute doll. I stayed to bathe Chance, Max and Squirt, and it was a treat to spend some quiet, cuddle time with each of them. Very nice to back.
Heads up to weekend volunteers - I am coming on Saturday next weekend (not Sunday) Nicole knows. That way I can hang around and go to the Gala with Carol later on, and make one trip in from Hope.