Rescue Journal

here's fletch

Carol  ·  Jan. 13, 2013

chris said tonight she thinks he has american bulldog in him..i was thinking pit/boxer but i think now she is right!
i found him a padded lifejacket today so he got to go out for a field run and to the barn with the dogs for bit..yay!

and jenn posted some new pics to facebook btw.





Re: Winter and outside water- There is a new hose installed at the barn. There are two electrical cords plugged in, just inside the door. One cord heats the hose, the other heats the water pipe extending from the ground. These need to remain plugged in (as was not the case Sunday morning). This is the ONLY water source for all outside troughs so I would respectfully request that only GOD and/or CAROL be the ones to unplug these cords. Thank-you.

Barb H

I can certainly see why you've all fallen for this handsome young boy.