Rescue Journal

the good news and the bad news

Carol  ·  Nov. 14, 2013

the bad news is I just talked to the septic guy following a full septic investigation and the septic field is totally toast. it will take about three weeks to design and receive plan approval from the health authority. because our septic tanks are ok and only the field is damaged from our gross overuse of water to keep this place and animals is only the field that needs to be replaced. estimated cost is about $20,000.00.

the good news is that Sheila has just confirmed with a very kind and generous donor (THANK YOU!) that we can put her upcoming donation towards replacing the septic field. yay..looks like we can still keep the animals here and continue to look after and clean up after them and eventually I will again have a flushing toilet!

the new field will be specifically designed to meet a large, 120 animal resident shelter's daily water usage needs so we do not end up in trouble again a few years down the road.
saints has a wonderfully kind and compassionate angel looking out for our guys...and her timing of this could not be better...I am beyond grateful, I am thankfully overwhelmed.

and..on a personal note...only 3 more weeks of portapotty-ing..I can do it if I suck it up and really try.



OMG what a relief. I'm truly touched by the donor's generosity.

On another matter, would new washing machines help, i.e., industrial or even just new, more efficient machines?


Thank you from the bottom of ALL the SAINTly hearts to this amazing donor. Absolutely incredible


EVERYBODY: carols computer monitor wont work, and she cant find her cell phone. if its not one fuckin thing...its another :)


Haha carol. It'll take more than that to get rid of me lol. Not sure when I can come back. I miss everyone! Can't even pick up a flake of hay but happy about ur septic!


Wow… thank doG a kind donor has made such a generous gift. The pressure was on for me to win LOTTO Max so I could help you with your septic woes. Now if I don't win, I won't feel like I am letting you down to much! :o)

shelagh f

you probably will have more people using the shop
toilet if it actually works. I hope with the new
field it will be a proper functioning toilet. It
would be nice for the volunteers to be able to use.
Thank you kind donor. The place cannot go on without
the septic system.

Lenore Henry

What a wonderful and generous gift to Saints - now I truly believe in karma......

janet nicholson

What a wonderful guardian angel to give such a large donation to S.A.I.N.T.S. - thank you!


You may be able to use Peroxigard instead of bleach. It is used a lot in vet clinics and is considered "green". Not sure if you would have to purchase it through a clinic though.


Hi 'Carol ' not sure if this helps ' but we had a house fire & we stayed in an RV' So I found out they use special toilet paper 'it is eaten up better' lol just for RV's glad you will have water soon' cheersPolly

another Doreen

What a wonderful generous donor!
And what a relief it will be to have that worry be dealt with for years!


Happy happy dance in my livingroom tonigjt..!! With a light at the end of the tunnel..and a flaslight for evening strolls the time will fly by. Many heartfelt thanks to the kind donor


oh yay michelle, you are still alive! how are you feeling poor girl? let me know when you are ready for a visitor and I will run right over and tie jake to your tree!


because we pick up all poop, inside and out and send it off site, none of that goes thru our is just the 2 toilets (that get used by a lot of people) and the water from the sinks and washing machines. 15 loads of laundry a day is a lot of water every day for a septic field to absorb and drain.

and yes, before anyone says it...we do have to stop using bleach to clean..sigh...i will look at finding a septic friendly greener product.
if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know.


I just had my field done and the engineer said that since there are more dogs than people using that system (I have a separate system in the house) then it was through the ministry of environment, not the health dept. Either way, sounds like your is much less expensive than mine