Rescue Journal

how the animals dealt with the open house

Carol  ·  Sep. 15, 2008

ellie did not get out of her bed til the last visitor faded away...she laid in her bed with her head close to the open door so wandering folks could easily pop a strawberry in her mouth. once the strawberries stopped popping, she got up and went to hang out by the pond.

tunie we left closed in her stall so she could have her privacy...she had her back to all visitors...she detests any and all strangers and really doesn't care if they do happen to carry strawberries. once she was sure that all visitors had finally gone home, she came out for a quick pee and poop and grumbled about all the commotion in her barn.

percy and spot were too busy being tormented by flies to pay too much attention to anyone wandering by. the horses did well, and so did the sheep, the goats thought the day was interesting and carl is still very upset. we tried him back with the sheep again and yet again he took after little elizabeth who he sees as the root of all his troubles, but carl, the root is inside of you. be at peace buddy, she is just a sweet little sheep. carl is currently worrying me quite a bit right now and i need to help him find a way to figure this all out so he can regain his sense of peace.

the chickens did notice the extra folks all around and the bunnies wished their room was not on the tour list but they did ok anyhow.

there were alot of dogs here that did not belong to saints...this pissed off frodo alot so by the end of the day he decided to take care of it himself and beat up a very sweet and elderly JRT....he beats the crap out of any new dogs so they don't even think of trying to move in here.
the dogs ate alot of treats, they ran in the fields alot,they swam in the pond alot, they rolled in the dirt alot, and generally had alot of was alot of a day for them and they all slept very well last night.
the cats did their own thing...the ones that wanted cuddles found all they could wish for...the ones that were not too interested, curled up and slept thru it all.

the one sort of universal comment that came to all of the volunteers from the visitors...was how happy and at peace our animals were and to me that meant we are doing our job here really well.

it was a very nice thing to hear.



bless you.
I know you don't like that, you defer the blessings to the SAINTS.
but bless you.